The Privacy Protection Pack
1 Ledger Nano X + 1 Billfodl
A Billfodl for your Secret Recovery Phrase and a Ledger Nano X for your digital assets - two tools for total, lasting protection.
How does the Billfodl work?
Spell out your Secret Recovery Phrase by sliding the tiles, one by one, into the slats.

You can store up to 96 characters - an entire 24 word Secret Recovery Phrase in one Billfodl.

Store in a safe place for fireproof and waterproof offline backup.

Our iconic Nano with built-in Bluetooth®

On-the-go experience
Connect your Ledger Nano X to your iOS, Android smartphone or desktop computer for a simple and seamless experience anywhere, anytime.

Thousands of supported coins and tokens
You can manage and control thousands of cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Solana and many more -- all from one place.

Uncompromising security
Powered by the industry-leading Secure Element chip, Ledger OS™ and a Trusted Display screen.

Now you’re in control
Only you can approve transactions on your Ledger Nano X.